You are your Home❤
Lots of people have recognized the importance of self belief and they know that self belief is the key to success. But we all must have gone through a time in our life when life gets rough and we lose belief in ourselves. Uncertainty around the things which we can’t control or we are worried that things are not going according to our plan. Most of the time these self doubts hold our back.

I have always been a self doubter. I always criticize myself that I am not doing my best and I am not good enough. But one day, I realized positive thinking matters a lot. I will be more happier and successful if I change my perspective towards life. And that day came after joining AMAL Academy. Trust me, from that day I am feeling more fulfilled.

We got project work every weekend. In the start we got an activity under the name of AMAL awards. We all had to make a video of ourselves and showcased the idea of being a good MVTP. First, in the start, it was the most difficult thing to do. I was so demotivated at that time. How to face the camera and then how to stay focused and convey a message to viewers. I had a feeling that everybody will make a video of themselves. I will be the only one whose self doubts will get in ways. There was nobody who motivated me at that time. I had only me. I motivated myself that I will do it. I didn’t let my insecurities stop me. It was so hard to break my comfort zone. But I stuck with one concept that all the positivity, courage, power, strength, confidence is within me.
“Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” — Rumi
I made a scenario and prepared a script which could be helpful for understanding the idea. I got up and set a proper location to record that video. And I did it after so many failed attempts. Yes you are reading it right. I MADE IT. I DID IT. I want to speak it out louder.

This incident made me believe in myself and it helped me to release stress. I learnt how to make peace with my life. It made me realize that first I need to accept the situation and then I should always get up and awaken the spark within me. From that day, I tried to never give up on myself. After this incident, I started enjoying the fellowship. The bond which we shared in our learning groups was just exceptional. We all were always trying to encourage each other and gave constructive feedback on each other’s tasks. We talked in a positive way and helped each other in their project works if they had any difficulty in doing it. So it gave us the positive vibes.

If I can go back in my life , then only one thing which I would want to do is be grateful for whatever I am and whatever I have. I regret not having a positive approach and seeing the good in the world. I literally wasted my whole life in complaining and comparing myself to other people. But from that day, I promised myself that I will compare myself to myself. I always appreciate myself for little things that how far I have come, what I have overcome. I will always be real with myself. I am ready to be happy again and all credit goes to AMAL Academy!
“Change your thoughts and you change the world.”— Norman Vincent Peale
I hope that this little story helps you all to think in a better and positive way. Whenever self doubt is starting to consume your energy, identify it, and stop it. Don’t let these doubts to revolve wildly or grow from a whisper to a flow of discouraging sentences. Instead, talk back to that doubtful part of yourself. Always be positive. Forgive yourself. Admire yourself. Everyone deserves love so do you. Let yourself breathe!
Thank you. Have a day full of positive life.