The Greatest Wealth is Health!
Sometimes in our life we feel less motivated and drained.Our all energy is based on how do we feel. How do we analyze things and perceive them. This all depends on the healthy lifestyle. Health plays a vital role in the happiness of our life. If we are healthy then we have everything which makes this life worth living. Being healthy means that we must have a perfect diet, to do exercise daily. These all things are inter related to each other.

When a person has a complete mental, physical and social health then it means that human will have a fewer health problems. He will be more energetic towards his goal and he will be more get done in his life.
But unfortunately, there are so many reasons of major health problems. We do not take seriously of any health specially mental health issues. But if this issue addresses in a more effective manner then for sure we will have a healthy life.
Mental Health:
Mental health is the level when one person understands the problem and he knows how to deal with the stress and anxiety. He faces the problem in the most effective and efficient manner and responds to it like the problem is nothing. But somehow there are so many factors deeply affecting our mental health day to day. And our thinking abilities are getting reduced. But one thing we all have to understand that “THIS IS VERY COMMON NOW A DAYS. WE ARE NOT ALONE!” .Mental illness is due to environmental factors or genetics or any lifestyle which we follow.

Sometimes mental illness is due to the biological factor. It runs in the families .Or sometimes it is due to a stressful and tough job. Bad habits ,poor nutrition play a major role in development of mental illness. In our families,if someone has mental illness then people think this is not something for which we should take worries. In our society mental health is a TABOO. People are more reluctant to reveal that they have a mental illness but they really need to know that mental illness do exist. They should not feel ashamed to talk about their mental health. Judgement and discrimination are often the reasons why many choose to suffer in silence.
How can you tackle these situations?
Now is the right time to talk about mental illness.If we do not act now then mental health awareness gap will be more widen. There is no one or anything through which you can overcome these situations. It is YOU and only you who can take part in your recovery process. It is not your fault to be mentally ill but you can take step forward to tackle these situations.Try to understand the reason behind any trauma. Give it time. Treat yourself with kindness. Spend quality time with friends and family. Watch motivational and good stuff. Learn something from your bad times then it will help to heal you. Consult a psychologist or a therapist.

Physical Health:
Physical health is the level when you give proper food and proper care to your body in order to fully functioning .There are so many ways through which you can give attention to needs of your body. And then it will promote your physical well being and as well as mental health. You can give attention through any physical activity, diet plan, healthy food, and sleep.

Physical illness can cause severe chances of depressive illness. Physically inactivity, obesity, use of alcohol, environmental and social issues have a deep impact on one’s physical fitness.

Some physical health conditions may lead to malnutrition(long term or short term), cancer, liver problem, heart disease, asthma, obesity, diabetes, headaches ,depression and anxiety.

How can you overcome physical diseases?
First of all, take a break and relax your body. Then reach out for help. Try to engage in healthy activities. Maintain healthy lifestyle and increase your fruit intake. Take medicine regularly. Limit your every work. Do not over extend yourself to any activity that can lead to stress and frustration.

Why we need to address health issues more effectively and efficiently?
Quality health care services are very vital for promoting and maintaining health, mentally and physically fitness,reducing unnecessary disability, preventing and managing disease and premature death, and achieving health equity. And you all have seen that health is the most crucial factor in everyone’s life.

In Pakistan we know that our healthcare system is not way too advanced. So first of all, we all need to understand the essentiality of health because we don’t value health until we get sick. Health is the greatest blessing of ALLAH. Living a healthy lifestyle means you will be far away from any chronic or life threatening diseases. It is the need of the hour that this issue should be addressed in more effective manner so that people can take their health issues seriously. There is so lack of awareness among people about health especially in rural areas.Eating healthy and quality food and maintain a healthy and disease free lifestyle will not only beneficial for us but deep down it will have an impact on our country as well because it will have a footprint on economical progress as well. As fit and healthy people work more, productive more ,learn and implement more.
Be sound of body and mind.Stay productive. Feel fine and good.
I hope you like this small effort. Waiting for feedback!
Have a good day y’all.