The Art of Time Management
Sometimes in our life we see some people have plenty of time to do everything while others are always running down by daily workload and never seem to finish anything in time. It is more likely because they have not fully understood the term effective “Time Management” ⌚.️

Time Management is an art to plan something more effectively and efficiently. It is the planning to do everything that you need to do without feeling stressed about it. We all have been overwhelmed by the complexity of projects and tasks in our life. But if we utilize our time more productively then for sure we will have a successful life. But what about if we use our time more productively but still we are unable to get done with everything ? This is because of we don’t prioritize our work. Lets start it from today and make a priority list by better distinction between “Urgent” and “Important”.

Today I am going to share my experience with you all. How I kept track of my own task by playing with Pomodoro.
I had so many tasks to do but first of all I tried to prioritize my work by using Priority Matrix. It enabled me to work out what to do first and what to do next. So my first task for today was cleaning my room which had the highest priority because I work better in a clean environment. It has a great impact on my mental and physical health also. Working in a messy room bothers me. Because of this,I don’t come up with better,new and creative ideas.

I cleaned my room by playing with Pomodoro. This experience was not difficult for me at all because I always use little bit of this technique. I never set a timer for my task. But I set it today and It made my life so easy as it enabled me to track my whole cleaning process so well. So It was not a difficult process for me and I gave myself a reward after this as well 🍫.
But aghh those distractions! I usually keep myself away from any distraction by locking up myself in a room. If I am studying then I try to keep a good distance from my mobile phone. I switch off my phone or switch off my internet connection. But I guess this is not enough for me because my inner chatter has been my CONSTANT PARTNER. Sometimes if I switch off my phone but still I am unable to pay full attention on my work because of my inner chatter anxiety. I am trying to calm it by using Pomodoro technique as well. I tried my level best today to calm my inner chatter by just focusing on that specific work which I am doing. But I really wish it would go away forever :)

I am really delighted to tell you that It really helped me to achieve more because good time management saved my time for other work.It gave me extra time to spend on my hobbies as well. By practicing this technique, I am highly motivated towards my SMART GOALS as well as they need more focus and attention in a shorter period of time. As Miles Davis said “Time isn’t the main thing. It is the only thing”. Time management is a tough process and yes we need to do struggle to achieve this skill but if we really want to achieve it then first of all we have to make an agreement with our inner will. So that’s how this will lead to more opportunities and career success.

I planned to do it on regular basis as well. Because it really helped me to enhance my productivity and efficiency towards my goals. I did better by using this technique because i had less chances of procrastination, stress and anxiety and high chances to provide a better quality work. Each part of time management benefits in another aspect of life. These all things are inter related to each other.
Focus is the main thing on which I have to do some work and improve it. Because its very hard to calm your Monkey mind and stop Mental chatter. I will try to stop all the any other ifs,whats,hows, whys in my mind whenever I do my work and try to pay attention only that specific work’s ifs, and hows. So I need an improvement in this.

So, Time management is a very precious skill. Its very hard to get that skill but trust me this skill showcases our professionalism and personal skills as well. It will lead us to take better decisions, have a stress free life. It can help you to be a better worker, better human and have the ability to focus fully as you go about your day. Planning,Scheduling, Organizing, Managing,Prioritizing, Focusing, Executing these all the traits of good time manager and it will give you massive success in your career and personal life as well 👌.
I hope , y’all find this little effort helpful and effective in better managing your time. Need an effective feedback.
Thank you so much. Have a blessed and productive day!